Copyright 2024 Robert Mascatello

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Robert Mascatello's Web Site


This is the website where I present original works and ideas concerning Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics. It is a companion site to and

Art - Oil on Canvas

A collection of original Abstract works inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Joan Miro - in addition to the Abstract Expressionists like Jackson Pollock and Hans Hoffman

Music - Original Compositions 

Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Guitar Synthesizer and Keyboard Synthesizer - fusion style of Blues, Rock, Jazz, Classical and Latin

Writing - Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization - now available on Amazon Kindle 

Science - Research Topics

Current research includes Boron-based life forms, Wormhole Engineering, Biological Simulations, Organic Farming Techniques and 3D Printing

Private or Group Lessons Available - Learn the Mascatello Abstract Style  - in your home or online

Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization 

In 1994.  I came across a copy of A Brief History of Time by Dr. Stephen Hawking. I had heard about black holes but never came across the term “Wormhole”. The possibility of crossing dimensions and space time was extremely appealing given my life-long interest in Time Travel. I envisioned H.G. Wells’ George the Time Traveler at the helm of a different type of time machine, one powered by unfathomable amounts of energy. The idea evolved to include concepts of Wormhole Engineering, Information Theory, and of course Quantum Physics. It was then that I conceived of a new kind of subatomic particle – the Infon - or Information Subatomic Particle:


In the words of Alloy SiB – a Silicon Boron AI being sent to present day earth by an advanced civilization- “At 10 to the 28th power electron volts, the infon subatomic particle will unify gravity with the electronuclear force to form an infogravelectronuclear  field – a state of zero entropy in which pure information may exists – and the arrow of time may be reversed. When this happens, the Primordial Wormhole Network will be accessible.”


“Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization” is a novella about five young pre-teenagers who stumble across the Wormhole machine on the grounds adjacent to the Fermilab particle accelerator laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. The youths visit different civilizations in history according to a mission outlined by Alloy SiB.  The stakes are none other than to save the Universe from Entropic Death. But there is another aspect of the mission for the young adventurers – to gather knowledge cubes, or tesserae – to construct a “Mosaic of Civilization” which will reveal the Secrets of the 22nd Century civilization known as the Epistimiens.

It took me nearly eighteen months year to complete the first edition of “Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization”. There was extensive research both in the science and the history of civilizations.  I even did my due diligence and visited Fermilab, where I was fortunate enough to get a private tour of the tevatron.

In 1997, I was able to self-publish the story on the Internet under the pen name, Bert Willliams Productions. I also located a first-generation ISP who provided some interactive Java scripts – to enable me to publish a History Trivia game as part of a complete "Wormhole Interactive" web site. Within 6 months, the site had 60,000 hits and on one particularly exciting day, was the featured site on In fact, “Wormhole Interactive” was featured in the Yellow Pages of the Internet - and was the only web site at the time categorized under Wormholes.

While not able to take the concept to the limit back then, I am proud to announce the availability of the second edition of “Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization” on Amazon Kindle Direct.  Check it out.

Note: the following Prologue is available as a sample of the work. I hope you are curious enough the purchase the e-book on Amazon.


By the mid-1990’s, scientists studying chaos dynamics were becoming increasingly concerned about rising levels and the rate of change of chaos throughout the world. Some experts argued that these erratic fluctuations in nature and society were within normal statistical boundaries. However, the majority conceded that widespread and frequent occurrences of unpredictable behavior were a harbinger of even worse things to come.
There were seemingly daily natural disasters, - floods in the Mid-West, earthquakes in California, and an unprecedented number of hurricanes and ice storms in all parts of the globe. In the medical world, researchers pointed to Chaos Theory as a means to explain the erratic behaviors of newly discovered auto-Immune diseases. Even Social Scientists were attempting to link Chaos Theory to everything from the L.A. Riots to the O.J. Simpson Murder case.
By the summer of 1998, the number of unpredictable events had risen even more dramatically. There were record numbers of plane crashes, boats sinking, and car accidents. There were reports of missing pets, rising insect populations, and people complaining of color blindness and sudden hearing loss – all seemingly unrelated events. In October of that year, mankind witnessed a 9.5 Richter scale earthquake in Chile, a flash melting of the Rink Glacier in Greenland, and a 32% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Index. The whole world was seeking an explanation for these catastrophic events – but for this they would have to wait…


New York Radio

When I was driving

Over the bridge

Playing my New York Radio

A song came on that I recognized

One I wrote in 1979


So I headed down to the Studio

Thinking – hey I’m gonna be live on the Radio

The man said "Sir - I never heard of you

But why don’t you play it just the same"


Then I was playing over the air

Playing on New York Radio

Twenty years and I had my chance

Couldn’t wait to quit the garage band


So I headed home from the Studio

They called me a star every where I’d go

My friends said "Hey – what ever happened to you

And what’s up with changing your name?"


Now I’m surfing over the web

Surfing for New York Radio

That Yahoo says that I won some award

The people’s choice said the chat room board


It makes me laugh when I think about things

How I almost gave up playing out on gigs

A middle-aged rock star is OK to be

Playing on New York Radio



The Sun it Rises

The sun it rises

And sets in the west

The days turn to years

Until it’s time to rest


And all of these changes

The things that we go through

Are shaping the future

and the things that we do

Oh Yeah, yeah


So we go on living

Just you and I

Making the best of things

Until it’s time to die


And all of these changes

The things that we go through

Are shaping the future

and the things that we do

Oh Yeah, yeah


True love it’s always growing

As we’re sipping good red wine

But like a vintage bottle

It’s getting better all the time


And all of these changes

The things that we go through

Are shaping the future

and the things that we do

Oh Yeah, yeah


Goodnight Son

Goodnight son

I’m going off to war

Goodbye son

You won’t see me no more


But don’t cry for me

I died for my country

To protect my home

And family


Hello son

I see you knocking on heaven’s door

You grew up

And then there was another stinkin' war


Man - how many must lose their lives

How many more sacrificed

Oh - Sweet Jesus

I can take it any more



Invisible Man

Lurking in the shadows
With a guitar in my hand

You can’t even see me

Cause I am the invisible man

Playing in a transparent band


I’m tired of being hounded

Each and every day

By crowds of screaming groupies

That want to see me play


Hiding out backstage

With a guitar in my hand

You can’t even touch me

Cause I am the invisible man

Playing in a transparent band


That’s why I stay invisible

Inside my rock star home

And how I stay transparent

Even when I am alone



The mind is the source of the inner expedition

Knowledge sets the course for the spiritual transition

That makes its way into our lives


Sounds that pass along the inner line

Are making songs that end in ryhmes -

Of lands mysterious

And voyages that I have missed

And so I ask myself - "Why"?




Don’t try to go against nature my friend

It’s like trying to swim upstream

And don’t abuse the animals or laugh at things unseen


Cause man appeared in evolution

Unwary of his fate

And now there’s destruction and pollution

How can we bear such disgrace?


So don’t try to go against nature my friend

It’s like trying to swim upstream

Cause if you do, you’ll be regretting it

You'll be drowning in your dreams


Starry Night

Starry Night,

Starry Night

moonlit night

In a tiny village


And the churchbells ring

To let the people know

What time it is

To sleep at night

To dream at night

To watch their spirits soar in flight

To be alive

Inside that Starry Night


Starry Night

Starry Night

Moonlit night


Richmond Blues

Richmond blues

Midnight train

Is coming for you


Richmond blues

Making the run on 95

Richmond blues

Moving up north

To be with loved ones


Richmond blues

They’re wanting you

Richmond blues

But they can’t have you




Oh Hiroshima

What did they do?

Oh Hiroshima

They dropped a bomb on you


They said they did it

So millions wouldn’t die

Would they have done it

If they could have heard the mothers' cries


Oh Hiroshima

Rise up and pray

That other’s won’t go through

What you went through that day




Starlets and Kings

Time races with silver wings

To overcome even starlets and kings

So when it seems like you’ve got it all

Just be careful not to fall.


Time races with silver wings

To overcome even starlets and kings

You can’t stop him – no matter how hard you try

He’ll catch up to you -  and then you’ll die


So make the best of things

While you’re on this Earth

Make your mama proud

She’d given birth


And when it’s time for you to go

Say hello to the starlets and kings

The ones who thought they’d live for all time

Now they know the truth about silver wings.




I woke up in the middle of the night

And I saw a beautiful sight

It was an alien

An alien

And he brought us all a message --

“You’re not alone”


The mother ship landed the following night

Two dozen droids – man they were out of sight

And there were aliens

Little blue aliens

As they stepped on Mother Earth

They said “Nice to be home”


Well some people got excited

They had eyes real wide

Some were skeptical

Others terrified

Of the aliens

The little blue aliens

And their leader to the UN

He said “Come visit our world”


Through the wormhole at the speed of light

We reached Valdroma – I was turning white

And saw the aliens

A city full of aliens

As we landed on Valdroma

the child said “Welcome home”


Monkey Business


Jimmy’s got a scam on

He’s cooking books

No one's gonna know

How much he took


I said King Kong Chita

Mighty Joe

Lots of Monkeys on the go

I said Monkey business

Lots of monkey business going down



The Science Desk 

Boron Life Forms - In my Novella, "Secrets of a Wormhole Civilization", I introduce a cyber-humanoid characters call Alloy-SIB. He is constructed from a Silicon-Boron alloy, which may be problematic since the element Boron is so scarce on Earth. Except for the fact that Alloy-SIB lives on campus at MIT more than 150 years in the future, when space travel is possible - along with mining Boron along the Asteroid Belt. 

Slicon - Star Trek

boron-based life (

Wormhole Engineering

Biological Simulations

3D Printing

Framework for WAMS - Writing, Art, Music and Science

Like many people, I have been creating things along the way in my life's journey. As a youngster, I remember experimenting with the Wurlitzer piano that was in our front room in…


Please use the form below if you would like more information about any of my projects, or if you just want to say hello